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Power Through Cover Reveal

Coming April of 2022!

Power Through: Supervillain Rescue Project Book 3

When family's involved, the line between hero and villain can get blurry.

15-year-old Marco Reyes has spent a year at a camp for at-risk superpowered teens, learning to control his fire throwing abilities in hopes of being a superhero someday. With his powers mastered, he wants nothing more than to return to his mother. His mother, though, may not be ready to care for him.

When Marco's Mom blows off their meeting in San Diego, Marco's guardians take it as a sign the woman isn't responsible enough to care for her superpowered son. Marco, though, knows that this time something's different from his mother's other absences. He's convinced someone's taken her.

Slipping away from the safety of his camp family, Marco follows a clue that leads to a supervillain recruiting agency and allies with a supervillain who is after the same agency for her own reasons. Marco's camp friends are on his trail, but will he find his mom before they bring him in? Or is his mother simply a pawn in a much deadlier scheme?

Also, February 8th-12th (of 2022) book one will be FREE, book 2 for 99c, and of course, pre-order book 3 for 99c as well!!!!

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